It has taken developers three years to complete version 3. In November 2007 a test version was distributed. But now the new version is ready for downloading. And this download day will be accompanied by a ludite action. Today Mozilla hopes to set a world record of downloading for the Guiness Book of Records. In a well orchestrated marketing campaign Mozilla had already a site where people could pledge to download the new web browser version. The record will certainly be set as no one has claimed such a record before. Besides there are certainly half a billion of Firefox 2 users, who will download Firefox 3; the web browser was downloaded mire than 0,5 billion times between November 2004 and February 2008. They all have an auto-download button on their browser.
The open source web browser distinguishes itself in its security features, ease of use and openness for more than 20 most downloaded plus-ins. The new version offers improvements for surfing. Sites infamous for phishing will be automatically be blocked, while sites, which install spyware will not be accessible immediately via Firefox. The address bar can now also be used as search bar, as a key word will be searched in the favourites and history lists for suggestions. Also favourite URLs can be added with one click, completely with a keyword.
Will it have impact on the downloading of Microsoft Internet Explorer? The new version will undoubtedly make new converts and see the Microsoft’s browser elevator go down. In 2003, one year before the publication of Firefox 1, Microsoft had 97 percent of the market. In 2007 this had gone down to 45,1 per cent.
The Dutch are avoiding Firefox, as can be seen from the map. In fact the Dutch suffer from the gaz-electricity syndrome: the first city on gaz is the last on electricity. The Netherlands has been an early internet adopter and has embraced Microsoft Internet Explorer. In fact the Netherlands is almost the last European country on the list of Firefox penetration. In June 2007 Firefox had a market share of 14,6 per cent and in March 2008 16,4 per cent, while the European average is 28,8 per cent. Of the 32 European countries only the Ukraine tails The Netherlands. By the end of summer 2009 Firefox hope to have gained 33,3 per cent of the browser market.
Update July 4, 2008: Firefox did succeed in registering for a record in the Guinness Book of Records. 8.002.530 computerusers downloaded Firefox 3 within the first 24 hours of the browser becoming available.
Blog Posting Number: 1131
Tags: internet browser, open source
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