The big question is of course: Will the arrival of Google
Play Store have much impact on the Dutch e-book market? In order to answer this
question, we will have to look at the Dutch market for e-books.

Short history of e-readers: Sony EBG (1993; above left); Franklin Rocket eBook (1997; above right); iLiad (2006; below left); Bebook Neo (2010; below right). Pictures © Collection Jak Boumans
It has taken quite a while before the Dutch publishers and readers accepted e-books. The first Dutch e-books on mini-disks were produced for the Sony EBG in 1993. In 1997 the internet distribution was started. And with the sales of the e-Ink screens such as the Iliad of iRex from 2006 onwards, a new round started. By 2010 Dutch publishers started to get serious about e-books. Sony with its e-readers has been a driver in this new wave, while Kobo is now an upcoming favourite. And the turn-over of the e-books can now be measured.

Short history of e-readers: Sony EBG (1993; above left); Franklin Rocket eBook (1997; above right); iLiad (2006; below left); Bebook Neo (2010; below right). Pictures © Collection Jak Boumans
It has taken quite a while before the Dutch publishers and readers accepted e-books. The first Dutch e-books on mini-disks were produced for the Sony EBG in 1993. In 1997 the internet distribution was started. And with the sales of the e-Ink screens such as the Iliad of iRex from 2006 onwards, a new round started. By 2010 Dutch publishers started to get serious about e-books. Sony with its e-readers has been a driver in this new wave, while Kobo is now an upcoming favourite. And the turn-over of the e-books can now be measured.
The sales curve started in 2011 with 1,3 per cent of the
total book sales. In 2012 e-books were good for 2,5 per cent of the total sales
of physical and e-books together. In 2013 the market share is growing to 4,1
per cent.
In this e-book market, part of the large food and
non-food retailer Albert Heijn, sells 10 per cent in digital copies of all
Dutch book sold. The web shop has also sold tens of thousands of Sony e-readers
since May. Also the largest bookshop chain Polare (a new combination of Selexyz
and the rams distributor De Slegte) registers 4,5 per cent of its online
However the Dutch e-book market is a dwarf in comparison
with English language countries like the US, Canada and UK. France is doing slightly
better than The Netherlands, while Germany is on the same level as the Dutch
market. As said before France has a competitive advantage as its VAT is in the lower bracket, much to the chagrin
of the European Commission.
It should also be noted that the acceptance of e-books in a
country is not a question of acceptance by the readers only. Of course there
are many ink addicts and they will only get smaller in numbers over the years.
But also the publishers are still hesitant. They know the trade of printed
books which have a fixed price in The Netherlands as well as many European
countries. Besides they see e-books
still as cannibalisation of a cultural product. And of course, they are afraid
of the pirating.
So operating from Luxembourg, having the advantage of a favourable VAT bracket, and serving the rest of
fragmented Europe will be interesting for international companies like Amazon,
iTunes and Google Play Shop. Local
retailers can play a part in this, but they will mainly get their turn-over out
of print books.
But looking at the market of e-books, there are still three
questions to be answered:
- E-books from the library;
- E-books from the library;
- How long will the e-book still exist;
- How is the acceptance growing or translated how many e-books are pirated.
- How is the acceptance growing or translated how many e-books are pirated.
Stay tuned for the next posting. Or, if you can't wait, send in your
messages about the end of the e-book and pirating.
Update 1 August 2013
Recent GfK market
research shows that of all Dutch language titles only 12 per cent is available
as e-book. This is most likely a reason why the e-book market in the
Netherlands is slow.
In the first half of 2013 e-books had a turn-over of 3,5 per cent of the total book sales. Last month another source claimed 4,1 per cent. Last year the per centage was 2,4.
Update 1 August 2013
In the first half of 2013 e-books had a turn-over of 3,5 per cent of the total book sales. Last month another source claimed 4,1 per cent. Last year the per centage was 2,4.
In the first half of 2013 almost 800.000 e-books were sold
in the Netherlands, good for 7,6 million euro; on average 9,50 euro per e-book.
More than 80 per cent came out of fiction, while only a little bit more than a
quarter of all Dutch language fiction titles are available as e-book.
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