Just as PowerPoint has enabled anyone to prepare professional-looking presentations, just as MIDI standard has democratised and revolutionised music by empowering home users to create ambitious music, INSCAPE’s vision is to offer creative people means to readily transform their ideas into appealing
2D and
3D interactive stories using a scalable and intuitive authoring environment. INSCAPE is a software suite for authoring, publishing and experiencing interactive multimedia stories and contents.
INSCAPE is an EU project.
INSCAPE addresses the growing demand for virtual content in the domains of simulation, training, education, entertainment, animation, cartoons, marketing, cinema, television and live performances. It will allow digital content creators with standard computer skills to create complete interactive stories and simulations.
INSCAPE will generate and develop the knowledge in the emerging domain of Interactive Storytelling by researching, implementing, demonstrating and disseminating a complete suite of innovative concepts, tools and working methods tightly integrated in a homogeneous web-based framework and offering a full chain to people with no particular computer skills, from content acquisition and creation, organising, processing, sharing, and using all the way to publishing, from creators to "viewers".
INSCAPE will also address issues such as the acquisition, the creation, the management and the sharing of interactive stories or their real-time multi-sensorial rendering combined with natural agent behaviours and multimodal interfaces. It will also provide innovative natural interfaces and devices for intuitively creating or living interactive stories within multi-dimensional virtual, augmented and mixed realities.
By addressing this domain, INSCAPE goes beyond "standard" content creation research and technology development projects and will address scientific and industrial simulation, training, education, poetry, art, emotions, cultural and human context and diversity.
The specification of the project will be driven by an analysis of the needs of real world users participating in the project as partners or involved in the INSCAPE Open Community. Through the lifetime of the project, the INSCAPE integrated system are available in successive versions (alpha, beta, final) provided to the end-users, including the
Open Community, for purposes of validation on real-cases, demonstration and training.
Consortium - Partners
CS Systèmes d'Information S.A, FR - Coordinator and Technical Provider
Immersion, FR - Technical Provider
Digital Video S.R.L, IT - Technical Provider and End-user
Realviz, FR- Technical Provider
Zentrum für Graphische Datenverarbeitung, DE - Research Organisation
Mixed Reality Laboratory, Nottingham University, UK - Research Organisation and End-user
Centre for user-oriented IT Design, Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan, SE - Research Organisation
University of Aveiro, PT - Research Organisation
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz Gmbh, DE - Research Organisation
Alterface, BE - Technology provider and End-user
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Constructions Aéronautiques, FR - End-user
International Centre for New Media, AT - End-user
zVisuel SA, CHE - Technical Provider and an End-user
Culture Lab University of Newcastle, UK - End-user
Blog Post Number 1038