The jurors’ works consists of three rounds of evaluation. In the first round every category will have four jurors in one team. The assignment of this round is to decrease the number of entries for closer inspection. In the second round, the teams will move to another category. In this phase the jurors can spend more time to familiarise themselves with the selected entries. The goal of the second round is whitled down to maximally ten entries per category. As five entries are needed for the last selection phase, the entries per category are presented to the entire jury and voted in or out. The last five entries that survive are the winners; there is not a single winner with runner-ups. Just for logistics, every juror sees more than 190 entries in eight days.
Every participating country could enter one entry per category. Theoretically 159 countries time eight entries in eight categories could have entered a total of 1272 products and services; but not all countries entered an entry in every category. For example for the Netherlands the national expert Bas Verhart has made a selection of eight entries. To give you an idea of the type of entries, I will use the list as it was published in the press release of the past week in the Dutch media:
1. e-Government:, a web game by students for the municipality of Utrecht;
2. e-Health:; Women on Waves in co-operation with Mediamatic;
3. e-Learning:; webgame by the Rijksmuseum in co-operation of IJsfontein;
4. e-Entertainment: Triangler; a serious mobile game by TNO
5. e-Culture:; a Music site;
6. e-Science:, a webgame by the Wadden association in co-operation with XMediaworks;
7. e-Business:, a user generated news site;
8. e-Inclusion: www., a digital campaign against child abuse by Sire in co-operation with Achtung!
BTW There is an official WSA blog on
and there will be daily photographs.
Blog Posting Number: 855
Tags: World Summit Award, World Summit on the Information Society
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