This morning I woke up early. It was still dark, but by the time the sun started to penetrate the clouds, the water surface was not quiet. But it was definitely better than the day before. But there is still a lot of wind and there are clouds. By tomorrow the weather should be back to nice temperatures.
Last night the Grand Jury worked late and got two categories decided: e-Entertainment and e-Health. The decision process did not go fluently as the jury had to get used to the voting rules. The first category took several rounds, but the jurors sailed through the second category. The first ten winners are known now, as every category has five winners. Then there was a sprint to the restaurant as we had an appointment at 9:30 PM.

On the island there are a few chapels. In the one closest to the hotel, an intimate concert was arranged for the Grand Jury and the people around it. On the wall of the chapel there were Christian paintings, which had been transferred to linen in order to preserve them. The concert was given by the Zagreb String Quartet, consisting of Mr Hrvoje Philips and his twin brother Davor as well as Goran Koncar and Martin Jordan. They played Joseph Haydn, Joaquin Turina, Franjo Krezma and Dmitri Sjostakovitch. The prayer of the bull fighter by Turina, I had never heard and I liked it. It presented all the stormy feelings of a bull fighter and a very serene final; you see the bull fighter getting ready and stepping into the ring. The piece by Krezma, a young Croatian composer, who died at nineteen, was impressive. He wrote the Quartet br. 1 u C-duru for Verdi in a few days and borrowed heavily from Mozart in the finale. It reminded me of a Dutch Santa Claus song. The quartet gave an encore of Tsjaichovski.
This morning we started with e-Government. First the short list of eight entries was presented. After that the voting took place; this time without any hitch. After a short break the category e-Culture was presented. Also the voting went without any problems.
Now we are going for a tour around the island. So far I have only seen the area around the hotel. I only ventured five minutes away from the hotel. But the tour will take one and a half hour.
Before dinner tonight the category e-Science will be presented and voted on.
BTW There is an official WSA blog and there will be daily photographs.
Blog Posting Number: 858
Tags: World Summit Award, World Summit on the Information Society
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