The new supercomputer will be used by some hundred scientists and the computers will function as a super node in the Netherlands and be part of the European supercomputer grid. Thus it will become a node for high performance computing, connectivity, data storage and application and user support for scientific and high tech communities. Scientists researching areas such as climate development, water management and theoretical chemistry will profit from this super computer. It will mean a quadrupling of the calculation capability.-The Huygens supercomputer is an IBM POWER 575 Hydro-Cluster machine, based on unique water cooled system, which supersedes the air cooled systems. The warmth is transported by water-cooled copper plates. Huygens is the first POWER 575 Hydro-Cluster which operates Linux. When the system is completely ready for operations in August 2008 it will be able to process 60 billion calculations per second or teraflops per second. The system encompasses 3328 4.7GHz process cores and has 15.616 Gb in memory and 972 Tb in disc capacity. The supercomputer will be based with SARA, The Dutch national supercomputer and grid service network responsible for High Performance Computing services. SARA is best known for its Network Operations Center of the academic high bandwidth network SURFnet6, the optical exchange point NetherLight, which connects up with many National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) as well as the first European Virtual Reality CAVE.
The Huygens supercomputer will be part of the DEISA-supercomputer grid, a sustainable European High Performance Computer structure, in which the national supercomputing resources of eleven European countries have been united. Through PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) the new Huygens supercomputer will become an important supernode in the European HPC-ecosystem.
Blog Posting Number: 1157
Tags: supercomputer, grid, high performance computingsupercomputer, grid, high performance computing, HPC
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