Period: 1-10-2008 till 31-10-2008
Pageviews: 1514 (September 1499)
Visits: 1145 (September 1180)
Unique Visitors: 1042 (September 1124)
Countries: 78 (September 71)
Pageviews from the following countries
Rank/country/number of pages

2. USA 315
3. UK 156
4. Canada 64
5. Germany 52
6. France 52
7. Italy 35
8. Rest 34
9. India 29
10. Australia 26
11. Spain 21
12. Finland 16
13. Austria 15
14. Ireland 14
15. China 13
Most visited pages
1. other 893
2. 190
3. 41
4. 24
5. 22
6. 20
7. 16
8. 15
9. 11
10. 11
Pagerank: 4
Indexed: 3370 (September 3690)
Yahoo links: 3919 (September 4476)
Stats generated by Onestat , ClustrMaps and Directshop
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