Today it is the last day of the WSA Grand Jury process. The last of the 8 categories have to be presented by a panel to the Grand Jury. It has been rather hard to get through the categories. There was a lot of debate among the jurors with their different national and knowledge backgrounds.
The remaining time will be used to set up a schedule for the UN World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis, Tunesia in November 16-18, 2005. The WSA will have a booth at the exhibition to exhibit the 40 selected products. There will also be a Gala during which the awards will be presented. Also workshops will be held on e-content.

The multimedia festival is over; a new interface is packed
Before that time a lot of work will have to be done. Most of the work will be done by the organising bureau ICNM in Salzburg. But again like last time in 2003 we will produce a book with the jury members; in 2003 the jurors produced a book under the title e-Content: Voices from the Ground v1. It was produced by 33 jurors, an editor and a Osama Manzar as producer. He finished it in 40 days! It was a nice symbol of the cooperation between the jurors. In between the jurors will have to get the news of the nominations out in their own countries. That means press releases and presentations for them and for WSIS.
/World Summit Award/
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