Today, 30 January 2009, the worldwide game production contest, the Global Game Jam, starts exactly at 17h00 for The Netherlands. Students and professionals in 50 countries will compete with each other in order to build the best game in 48 hours. The Netherlands is represented with 130 participants, including a number of reputable game developers.
The Orange delegation will work from the faculty Arts, Media and Technology of the Arts College Utrecht. The Dutch part of the contest has beenm organised the Dutch Game Garden in close association with the NLGD Festival of Games.
During the Great Jam participants have 48 hours in order to thnk abou a game and develop it. In all the participating countries the contest starts at 17h00; so New Zealand will open the contest, followed by the other countries according to their time zone. Every participating country gets an explanation on its assignment. Also a keynote address of game developer Kyle Gabler, producer of World of Goo will be streamed. The progress can be followed online on
The Global Game Jam is an initiative of the International Game Developers Association and is in the Netherlands organised by DGG and the NLGD. The Global Game Jam is sponsored by Virtual Fairground, BigWheel, Municipality of Utrecht and the Province of Utrecht.
After 48 hours the games will be judged by country by an expert jury. The best games will be shown at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco from 23 till 27 maart 2009. All entries will be available for viewing and playing at
Blog Posting Number: 1297
Tags: games
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Flash EU destines 1 bn for high speed internet
As part of the ongoing implementation of the EU recovery plan endorsed by the European Council in December 2008, the European Commission has today presented proposals to invest in key energy and Internet broadband infrastructure projects. These will deliver a much needed stimulus to the EU economy in the short term, while at the same time targeting strategic goals such as energy security. All Member States will benefit from the package of measures.
The package presented today contains:
* a short Communication outlining the background to and the objectives of the initiative;
* for energy projects: a total of EUR 3.5 billion is proposed for investment in carbon capture and storage (financial envelope: EUR1,250 million), offshore wind projects (EUR500 million), and gas and electricity interconnection projects (EUR1,750 million).
* for broadband:, the Commission proposes to target EUR 1 bn to extend and upgrade high-speed internet in rural communities. This money will be targeted via the existing EU's Rural Development Fund to cover the "white spots" on Europe's broadband map (30% of the population in rural areas who do not have broadband access).
* and tackling new challenges identified in the "health check" of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): using the existing rural development mechanisms, this would direct EUR 0.5 billion to launch the work of tackling the "new challenges" agreed in the health check. These new challenges are: climate change, renewable energy, water management, biodiversity and dairy restructuring.
The extension and upgrading of high-speed internet infrastructure is an economic and social imperative. The European Economic Recovery Plan set out a goal of developing broadband networks to achieve a full 100% high-speed internet coverage by 2010. However, rural areas will always face additional difficulties in linking up to broadband. As investment slows to a trickle, this risk is redoubled. This has direct social and economic consequences. That is why it is right to concentrate this action on rural areas - and using the rural development instruments will allow for action on the ground to start quickly.
The European Commission aims to achieve 100 % high-speed internet coverage for all citizens by 2010 as part of the European Economic Recovery Plan. EUR 1 billion has been earmarked to help rural areas get online, bring new jobs and help businesses grow. On average, 93 % of Europeans can enjoy a high speed online connection but in some countries broadband covers less than half of the rural population. Broadband internet connection is expected to create 1 million jobs and boost the EU's economy by EUR 850 billion between 2006 and 2015.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Flash One month from deadline World Summit Youth Award

WSYA is arranged by the World Summit Award Network which operates in 168 countries in cooperation with UNESCO, UNIDO, Internet Society and other international organisations. The World Summit Award Network is handled by the International Center for New Media (ICNM) in SAlzburg (Austria).
Everybody under 30 can participate in this contest with five categories:
1. Fight Poverty, Hunger and Disease! Rewards the most effective contents and applications addressing issues of extreme poverty and hunger, offers solutions for those whose income is less than $ 1 a day, supports the reduction of diseases and fights the spread of HIV/AIDS and the incidents of malaria.
2. Education for all! Gives credit to the most innovative contents, platforms and solutions to give children everywhere, boys and girls alike, a full course of primary schooling, to advance in training for personal development and jobs, and to achieve a high level of understanding and knowledge of the global information society and its problems and promises, challenges and opportunities.
3. Power 2 Women! Demonstrates the most inspiring contents and communities which promote gender equality and empower women, eliminate gender disparity in education and at work places, facilitate access of women to all levels of political decision making and that strengthen women's contribution to peaceful resolution of conflicts.
4. Create your Culture! Celebrates the most engaging online platforms and applications expressing young people's aspirations, ideas and values, sharing their news, enabling their participation in decision-making processes, strengthening social justice, promoting the knowledge of many languages and cultures, supporting multilingualism, creating new contemporary forms of culture and preserving indigenous knowledge and traditions.
5. Go Green! Showcases the ground-breaking applications and contents addressing the natural environment, ensuring sustainability, integrating the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes, reversing the loss of environmental resources including biodiversity, reducing the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and improving the lives of slum dwellers.
Three winners in each category will be given the opportunity to showcase their platform to heads of state, business leaders and civil society at the World Summit Award (WSA) Gala and Winners Conference in June, 2009 in Monterrey, Mexico.
The WSYA will be organized 2008 to 2009 as a follow up activity of the World Summit on Information Society and its action plan towards the year 2015. The Youth Award is organized by the World Summit Award Network for the second time after 2005. The 2008/09 contest is organized in partnership with the Cyber Peace Initiative (CPI) launched by the Suzanne Mubarak Women's International Peace Movement in 2007. The CPI has a mission to empower youth of any nation, through ICT, to become catalysts of change, to create safe and better futures for themselves and others, to address the root causes of conflict, to disseminate the culture of peace and to create international dialogues for a harmonious world. Founding partners of CPI are The Suzanne Mubarak Women's International Peace Movement, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the International Telecommunication Union, the Global Alliance for ICT and Development, Microsoft, Cisco and Intel. WSYA is also supported by the Internet Society (ISOC).
Get involved today at and showcase your project to the world!
UN Millenium Goals
World Summit Youth Award
World Summit Award
World Summit Award,
World Summit Youth Award,
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Non commercial New media study in English at TAMK (Finland)

Is your plan to be in the position of Animator, Art Director, Concept Designer, Game Artist, Graphic Designer, Project Manager, Producer, UI Designer, Web Designer or Web Programmer?The new BA Degree Programme in Media at TAMK School of Art and Media in Tampere focuses on interactive media content design and production. The students learn about current digital media issues and gain deep insight into one of the three specialisation options: visual design, interaction design or project management. The areas of application include web design and services, games, mobile media, multimedia, social media, cross media and interactive installations. Applying to programmes conducted in English at Finnish universities of applied sciences (UAS) takes place through a System of Joint Application (Yhteishaku in Finnish). Prospective students can apply to four different degree programmes at UAS using the same application form.
The application period for studies starting in August 2009 started last Monday, and will close on Friday February 13th 2009, 4:15 PM Finnish time (+2 GMT). Applicants to TAMK Media programme also need to return the pretask to TAMK by February 13th. The entrance examinations at TAMK will be:
Media April 21
International Business April 28
Environmental Engineering May 5
The Universities of Applied Sciences announce the results by 21 July 2009. TAMK aims at sending admission results out by mid-June. Admitted students must confirm their study places by 4 August 2009 at 4.15 pm Finnish time at the latest. The Joint Application period for UAS study programmes taught in Finnish or Swedish is March 23 - April 9
Bachelor's Degree applications at TAMK
Monday, January 19, 2009
BPN 1296 Content trends

After the lecture by Osama, it was my turn. I took a long, hard view on e-content, starting with the definition developed by Andrea Buchholz and Zerfass in the book e-Content . E-Content · Technologies and Perspectives for the European Market (Springer, 2004):
E-Content is digital information delivered over network- based electronic devices, i.e. symbols that can be utilised and interpreted by human actors during communication processes, which allow them to share visions and influence each other’s knowledge, attitudes or behaviour. E-Content allows for user involvement and may change dynamically according to the user’s behaviour.
It is a subcategory both of digital and electronic content, marked by the involvement of a network, which leads to a constant renewal of content (contrary to the fixed set of content stored on a carrier such as a CD-ROM, or the content broad-cast via TV and Radio). This constant renewal of content in tie with its dynamic change allows for a qualitative difference, thus making it E-Content.
I strolled with the audience through the web content developments, starting with the electronic brochure era. It was the time that we all got excited with push technology, until we were sick of all tickertape-like information. Once we had enough experience with internet, we started to look for combinations with other media; the cross-media era with Big Brother was an example of cross-media. The cross-media wave was followed by Web 2.0, wook Social Mediahich turned out to be a container term for a collection of technologies. Now social media is the latest trend.
According to a definition in the book their Social Media by Katri Lietsala and Esa Sirkkunen, social media is a term that is used to describe web services that receive most of the content from their users or aggregate the content from other sites as feeds. The sites build on social networks and on the creativity of the participants of one or more communities. Social media have some typical examples with Wikipedia, blogs, YouTube, Facebook,,, LinkedIn and Flickr. They are categorized in genres: content creation and publishing, content sharing, social network sites, collaborative productions, virtual worlds and add-ons.
After the lecture I talked with some people, among others with people from the Bahrain parliament. They were interested in how they could apply social media for the activities of the Bahrain parliament.
Blog Posting Number: 1296
Tags: e-content
Sunday, January 18, 2009
BPN 1295 Social entrepreneurship
The presentation by Osama Manzar for the Bahrain Internet Society (BIS) became stark reality when he started to show photographs of projects in India. It was the site like and, which now sells resp. local slippers worldwide and textiles like scarfs. It is an example of social entrepreneurship with local skills which can be sold nationally and globally.

I was most impressed by the Barefoot College. The college comprises a number of down to earth activities. It is not a real academic college, but it helps people in many ways. It has a number of ICT centers, where people can internet and transfer money. They can also go there to see how there online business with local products is doing. The college has also a group of internationally acclaimed puppeteers. The puppets are handmade and used for performances but also sold through the internet.
But the Barefoot College has also a testing center for soil and water testing, purifying and it manages its own treatment plant. It even set up the site Neerjaal with all the information they have built up at the Barefoot College over the years.

A real touching story is that of the special educational program for girls. As Indian boys are supposed to learn, girls will have to keep watch over animals during the day. In order to offer them an opportunity to learn, Night School has been instituted from 6 pm to 9 pm in a school which is powered with solar facilities.
But also outside the Barefoot College special programs for girls are undertaken with social entrepreneurship. There is for example a job creation program in which girls with hardly any education are trained to produce cartoons for print and movies.
Also interesting is the community radio, assisted by mobile and telephone. It is used for example by a district official to take note of grievances and redress them. People can call him during the radio sessions and he indicates what he is going to do for the callers.
And I love the All@Mobile project. The project is a project in which people use mobiles, but in a specific way. In order to avoid high costs of speaking with each other, the people have made a coding scheme. Giving someone one ring can just mean I am at home. Two rings might mean I am leaving. In the All@Mobile project people learn to avoid high costs for the use of the mobile. I can remember this scheme with the collect calls in the US.
It was a fascinating collection of activities that are happening in India. They are not all ICT projects though. For example in Malappuram in Kerala two generations of a family have been running a Center, where traditional the Remington Type machine is still bigger business than the computer center.
Blog Posting Number: 1295
Tags: social entrepreneurship

I was most impressed by the Barefoot College. The college comprises a number of down to earth activities. It is not a real academic college, but it helps people in many ways. It has a number of ICT centers, where people can internet and transfer money. They can also go there to see how there online business with local products is doing. The college has also a group of internationally acclaimed puppeteers. The puppets are handmade and used for performances but also sold through the internet.
But the Barefoot College has also a testing center for soil and water testing, purifying and it manages its own treatment plant. It even set up the site Neerjaal with all the information they have built up at the Barefoot College over the years.

Blog Posting Number: 1295
Tags: social entrepreneurship
Saturday, January 17, 2009
BPN 1294 Internet governance

I am back in the Netherlands now for some days since my trip to Bahrain. Being taken up by amongst others the Dutch Nominations for the World Summit Award, Bahrain looks far away. Yet after the jury deliberations, Osama and I still had an obligation to fulfill. Besides being observers of the jury process, the organisers requested two presentations for the members of the Bahrain Internet Society (BIS) from Osama and me. Osama was the first speaker as he had to leave for New Dehli earlier than I had to leave for Amsterdam (1h05). Osama spoke on internet governance, while I addressed the development of content since the beginning of internet.
Osama started with a describing the focus of e-governance. He described two views. The narrow view focuses only on the management of the Internet’s core resources (e.g. IP addresses, domain names, the root zone) which needed special governance arrangements, and in which contracts are the principal governance mechanism. However the broad view includes its social, economic, cultural and political impacts in addition to its technical and logical infrastructure, and envisaged the use of a correspondingly wider range of governance mechanisms, including treaty instruments. In his view the focus on Internet Governance must include both views. He drew consequences from his view and proposed that internet governance in the digital divide should not only keep itself busy with technology and standards, but also with the consequences for the digital divide such as content availability online and offline to facilitate internet enabled governance delivery as well as derive maximum benefit out of the Internet as a prime governance and service delivery platform, content creation in the local language, ways to protect intellectual property rights and free flow of information. In the rest of his speech he tested the views against the practices in the Gulf area and South East Asia and noticed that the Gulf area is opening up to the broader view of e-governance. In 2002 the Arab world was still in the lower ranges of the digital gap in the world; but now the area is vast improving.
Osama concluded that the necessity for learning and sharing each other’s experience between Arab countries and Asian countries is timely. There is a need to develop greater communications and information channels as well as developing inter-governmental and inter-institutional charters. Expertise should be shared in technical infrastructure and projects. There should be mutual support in training and teaching activities. And a joint research system should be set up.
Blog Posting Number: 1294
Tags: governance
Friday, January 16, 2009
BPN 1293 Dutch entries WSA2009 announced
Photograph of nominees (compliments of
The nominations are:
Category: e-Inclusion & Participation
Title: Voices of Africa
Producer: Africa Interactive Foundation
Description: Voices of Africa is a mobile news service with African news, gathered by African people.
Category: e-Health & Environment
Title: Grote Griepmeting (The Dutch Great Influenza Survey)
Description: Innovative surveillance system, based on the voluntary online participation of the population who, on a weekly basis, respond to an internet questionnaire, and mapping the spread of the influenza virus in The Netherlands and Belgium.
Category: e-Entertainment & Games
Title: TOY – Thinking of You
Producer: Nederland Breedbandland
Description: An entertainment and game service for hospitalised children
Category: e-Culture en Heritage
Title: 7scenes
Producer: De Waag
Description: A GPS platform for games and tours
Category: e-Science & Technology
Title: Multimedian
Producer: Multimedian Foundation
Description: A scientific project in the field of multimedia
Category: e-Business & Commerce
Title: Sellaband
Producer: Sellaband
Description: A service introducing and supporting Music bands
Category: e-Government& institutions
Title: Ambtenaar 2.0 (Civil servant 2.0)
Producer: Davied van Berlo e.a.
Description: Civil servant 2.0 explores the consequences and opportunities of Web 2.0 for government.
Category: e-Learning & Education
Title: Enterprise: het ondernemersspel (Enterprise: the entrepreneur game)
Producer: Games Factory Online
Description: A serious game to teach students how to become an entrepreneur; the game can be translated to six languages on the fly.
The World Summit Award is a global multimedia competition with the stress on quality of content and innovation in the information society rather than on technology. Wessel de Valk, co-owner of The Crowds and Dutch national expert for the World Summit Award, and his team of advisors made the selection of projects and services to be sent in as entries for the Grand Jury. There are eight categories and in every category a country is allowed to submit one entry. A jury of 35 international experts will evaluate the entries; the winners will be celebrated at the WSA2009 Gala in Monterrey, Mexico on June 12, 2009.
Blog Posting Number: 1293
Tags: multimedia contest, multimedia competition
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
BPN 1292 Bahrain eContent Awards 2009
Yet, I had not been invited for a holiday by the Bahraini. The Bahrain Internet Society had planned the Bahrain eContent Award (Bea) and wanted two external observers to assist the jury process. Also my Indian friend Osama Manzar had been invited. And it was great to see him again. We have known each other since the WSA 2003 Grand Jury in Dubai. He recently organised an eContent summit in New Dehli together with the annual Mathan eAward, which has now expanded to eight countries in South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maladives, India). I was surprised to see that he even received even submission from Afghanistan, called Sea Monkey, a font developed in the local Pashto language. This is an indication, the catalogue says, that as the English language is not popular, there is an urgent need to spread computer literacy and the local Pashto language as a chosen language vehicle to spread ICT and digital in the country even in remote areas.
Blog Posting Number: 1292
Tags: e-content
Monday, January 05, 2009
BPN 1291 Multimedia and e-Content Trends
- Augmented Realties and Smart Interfaces;
- Mobile Location Based Applications;
- The Mobile Content Paradigm;
- Current mega Trends for e-Content Development;
- Teaching Models.
The book is intended for researchers and instructors in the field of e-content development. The articles reflect the preoccupation of the authors with the latest trends in e-content and communication technologies, such as going mobile or discovering new, innovative interfaces. The authors also introduce new learning methods with interactive media.
In the preface the editor notices that the industry ground shifts challenge the academia’s teaching canon. The changes affect as well all teaching and research in universities and colleges. Some key issues are worth recounting.
Wiki Movement. Users are challenging established ownership and distribution arrangements, whether through P2P networks or open access/open archive publishing conventions, or through new mass distribution and inter-community trading. Network availability and broadband applications create possibilities for new forms of expression by user. See the success of Wikipedia and currently 256 language versions where users are the content creators for entire encyclopaedias.
Different sector react differently. Scientific, technical and medical publishing has gone towards full digitisation and digital delivery while lifestyle magazines are staying largely print. In the games sector a new on-line segment multiplayer has developed where multiplayer involvement points to entirely new intensities and content formats. Intellectual property and copying issues remain crucial.
The modes of pay. Internet content is seen widely as having to be free of charge. Digital media subscription, pay per use/view and access charges remain the key ways for generating revenues. Companies survive if they are able to generate positive revenue feedback cycles when growing numbers of paying users foster marketing, development, and distribution of online content and services, which in turn might draw more paying users.
Content Gap and Economic Issues. The creative ICT applications and digital content industries are challenged to adapt to broadband, both mobile and fixed; to co-operate and change roles among value chain players (in particular between content owners, network operators, Internet service providers, hardware and consumer electronics suppliers); to fight digital piracy and deal with the role of file-sharing. Major concerns are the role of intellectual property in protecting ownership in both products and services, the enforcement of copyright in a digital world, defining and monitoring fair use and the boundaries of legitimate use, d the interaction between competition law and copyright: to create a regime for digital rights and customer authentication; to put into place efficient payment methods (especially for micro-payments).
Content Gap and SMEs. Operating in the new interactive content industries is highly complex and challenging: legal issues are critical, the definition of software and application products complex and licensing negotiations often more lengthy and complicated due to intricate technical issues and differing legal regimes across platforms and countries. In addition, oligopolistic content markets with a strong role of market leaders, exclusive access to content or networks (network access gatekeepers) make it very difficult if not impossible for SMEs to stay in the market in the longer run and deploy broadband applications and content.
Financing Cycles. The climate for private investment in the creative ICTs is a-cyclical to the technological advance: Three to five years ago money was readily available, but the technology mostly narrowband; today rich media (DVD-Offline) and broadband (Online and Mobile) can deliver new contents and innovative services, but many investors have been burnt five to seven years ago. Often, investment in digital content and digital delivery has to be sustained by margins derived from traditional market activity. Only few successful new ways of generating revenue have emerged.
Moore's Law is working to increase Content Gap. Performance increases and productivity gains also increase functionalities and reduce prices for users. Often, these gains require structural changes in content creation and delivery industries. On the supply side the new generations of ICTs are leading to changes in the market structure of telecommunications, information services and content firms. Essentially, all the players must reinvent themselves. Network operators need to generate revenue to support investment in next-generation network and replace loss of traditional business (see: Telecoms around Europe have started TV via ADSL in the last years > Triple Play). For intermediaries, the market churn is very high and there are few winners.
Market complexities increase. New sets of business activities and new roles emerge in the creative ICT and content industry: content design and aggregation, marketing of publishing offers, right acquisition / management, packaging and distributing content, content protection, management of emerging publishing services, design and sale of interactive advertisement spaces, profiling users, integrated billing management, payment management, customer relation management, security/control services, access management. In order to successfully manage multiple roles and the often combined but then again separate activities a critical size of company or organisation is required. They involve a high degree of co-ordination as well as competition along value claims.
Politics is simple. In many countries, public policies do not keep up with the changes in technologies and markets. They adjust individual policies and the regulatory environment sufficiently quickly for smaller market players. However, it is often the case that neither speed nor direction have been recognised and measured and that too little economic analysis is available for networked and traditional business in content sectors.
Key factors. Governments and their agencies have to recognise their role as content creators and model users, of the importance of procurement and the establishment of best practice know-how and guidelines (see:; World Summit Award Governments have to cooperate with industry to speed up the creation of infrastructures for and the public acceptance of micro-payment systems, electronic signatures, and authentication. They have to counteract piracy and assist in the clarification of use rights along content. Finally, governments should consider supporting and investing in the creation of content clusters and a digital content funding for al those areas where there is a significant public interest (health, education, cultural identity).
Editor: Bruck, Peter A. Multimedia and E-Content Trends, Implications for Academia
Series: Smart Media und Applications Research
Publisher: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag 2009
ISBN: 9783834807540
Pages: 195
Price: EUR 49,90
To order the book
Blog Posting Number: 1291
Tags: e-content, multimedia
Thursday, January 01, 2009
1 January 2009 Stats from the blog Buziaulane in Decmber
Blog: Buziaulane is an occassional blog in English
Period: 1-12-2008 till 31-12-2008
Pageviews: 1359 (November 1145)
Visits: 1158 (November 914)
Unique Visitors: 1074 (November 833)
Countries: 66 (November 67)
Pageviews from the following countries
Rank/country/number of pages

1. USA 585
2. Netherlands 227
3. UK 13 9
4. Rest 44
5. France 41
6. Canada 30
7. United Arab Emirates 25
8. Germany 24
9. Finland 15
10. Australia 14
11. Belgium 14
12. Oman 14
13. India 13
14. Spain 11
15. Norway 10
Most visited pages
1. other 708
2. 197 57 31 2,22%
5..../ 20
6. 13 0,93%
7. 12
8. 12
9. 11
10. 9
Traffic has a traffic rank of: 3,403,5419114031
Pagerank: 4
Indexed: 2250 (November 2850)
Yahoo links: 3642 (November 3632)
Host and IP addresses Backlink Checker
We have found 86 different IP address out of those 110 hosts.
We have analyzed 900 links out of 1830 backlinks in overall.
We have found 85 different C class IP addresses out of 86 different IP addresses.
Stats generated by Onestat , ClustrMaps and Directshop
Period: 1-12-2008 till 31-12-2008
Pageviews: 1359 (November 1145)
Visits: 1158 (November 914)
Unique Visitors: 1074 (November 833)
Countries: 66 (November 67)
Pageviews from the following countries
Rank/country/number of pages
1. USA 585
2. Netherlands 227
3. UK 13 9
4. Rest 44
5. France 41
6. Canada 30
7. United Arab Emirates 25
8. Germany 24
9. Finland 15
10. Australia 14
11. Belgium 14
12. Oman 14
13. India 13
14. Spain 11
15. Norway 10
Most visited pages
1. other 708
2. 197 57 31 2,22%
5..../ 20
6. 13 0,93%
7. 12
8. 12
9. 11
10. 9
Traffic has a traffic rank of: 3,403,5419114031
Pagerank: 4
Indexed: 2250 (November 2850)
Yahoo links: 3642 (November 3632)
Host and IP addresses Backlink Checker
We have found 86 different IP address out of those 110 hosts.
We have analyzed 900 links out of 1830 backlinks in overall.
We have found 85 different C class IP addresses out of 86 different IP addresses.
Stats generated by Onestat , ClustrMaps and Directshop
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