Is your plan to be in the position of Animator, Art Director, Concept Designer, Game Artist, Graphic Designer, Project Manager, Producer, UI Designer, Web Designer or Web Programmer?The new BA Degree Programme in Media at TAMK School of Art and Media in Tampere focuses on interactive media content design and production. The students learn about current digital media issues and gain deep insight into one of the three specialisation options: visual design, interaction design or project management. The areas of application include web design and services, games, mobile media, multimedia, social media, cross media and interactive installations. Applying to programmes conducted in English at Finnish universities of applied sciences (UAS) takes place through a System of Joint Application (Yhteishaku in Finnish). Prospective students can apply to four different degree programmes at UAS using the same application form.
The application period for studies starting in August 2009 started last Monday, and will close on Friday February 13th 2009, 4:15 PM Finnish time (+2 GMT). Applicants to TAMK Media programme also need to return the pretask to TAMK by February 13th. The entrance examinations at TAMK will be:
Media April 21
International Business April 28
Environmental Engineering May 5
The Universities of Applied Sciences announce the results by 21 July 2009. TAMK aims at sending admission results out by mid-June. Admitted students must confirm their study places by 4 August 2009 at 4.15 pm Finnish time at the latest. The Joint Application period for UAS study programmes taught in Finnish or Swedish is March 23 - April 9
Bachelor's Degree applications at TAMK
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