Wednesday, December 06, 2006

TTA 2006: Top Talent Content Fusion Award

For the third time the EUROPRIX Top Talent Award has selected an award winner for the content fusion award. The Award was instituted to focus on the emotionally captive audio side of new media. Multimedia has too much been understood as visual content. Immersion into cross-media and content-fusion worlds should be stressed. Integrating sight and sound is proving to be an exciting and necessary development in the multimedia industry. Why listen to silence, or the clicks and beeps of your computer when e-content could be invigorating the senses with new expressions of multimedia creativity? In addition to the general contest, the expert jury evaluated all entered projects for a Special Award on the best fusion of multimedia and music, on the use of audio components in multimedia projects

The UnseenVideo (Germany) is a weather controlled dynamic music video. It is affected by the weather and local time from the position of the viewer. The video’s background, images and main animation change and there are additional animations of snow, rain, pollen and clouds that dynamically alter in position and scale according to the environmental conditions. The system localises the viewer through their IP-Address. All information about the weather from each city is updated daily and stored in a MySQL database. By creating synergies between the music, the video and the natural surroundings of the viewer, local changes in the environment mean that
the viewer will never see the same video twice. While it may change only slightly in an hour, it will have a different character within a few months.
Team: Ferdinand Weinrother, Daniel Scheibel

Tags: europrix

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Blog Posting Number: 595

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