Today it was contacting a lot of people in order to organise the pre-selection of the World Summit Award in The Netherlands. The pre-selection on June 15, 2005 will be done by a jury, chaired by Bernhard van Oranje, a Dutch royal who started his own e-commerce company in the late nineties and sold it to a Dutch company in the beginning of the new millennium. Some 50 entries have been selected from other Dutch competitions. Together with the other four jury members (a managing director of a newspaper, a lecturer, an editor-in-chief of an internet publication and a managing director of an internet production companies) the entries will be judged. The winning entries will officially be announced on June 17, 2005 during the conference Incommunicado 05 in De Balie in Amsterdam from 15 till 17 June, 2005.
But there is still a lot ground work to be done. The entries still have to be installed for the jury next week. At the conference we will have a small poster like showing like we had at the
Summit of the Future in February 2005.
WSA present at the Summit of the Future in February 2005 
I have still to order 200 catalogues to be handed out; see the
electronic version. Screenshots still have to be transmitted from Salzburg by Anastasia, the chief of the WSA network. Happily we are picking up some support. I had a call of a Dutch organisation for development work with an offer for support. Also some government officials are now asking, how they can help. At last, the momentum increases.
Anastasia, the chief of the WSA network, last week at the reception in Vienna
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